
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError while compiling weblogic.appc is running

Hello all, This week, after 2 months waiting Oracle to answer me in MOS I finally got the solution for my problem. The weblogic.appc tool pre-compiles each JSP file before deploying your project to Integrated WLS, otherwise your application could take a big performance hit as it needs to compile each .JSP file after the first request. This so called "feature" could get you in some trouble if you have more 400+ .jsp files, the fact lies beyond the heap parameters in weblogic.appc compiler, the default values (-Xms128 and -Xmx512) aren't enough to a big project like that. After some analysis Oracle Support offered me two solutions: 1) Start JDeveloper with the following argument from command-line:    -J-Djdev.webapp.appc.addition.jvmargs=-Xmx1025m  Example:    jdevW.exe -J-Djdev.webapp.appc.addition.jvmargs=-Xmx1025m  Important: this argument is for internal development, hence is not officially supported and is subject to change or removal.  See...

ViewObject Forward Only mode

Hi! Today I was reading a interesting topic about one of ViewObject tuning properties, it is called Forward Only mode, you can programmatically set it by calling setForwardOnly(true). This property won't allow the ViewObject to cache the previous loaded rows while RowSet scroll is happening. Link to the documentation: Section 39.2.6  Use Forward Only Mode to Avoid Caching View Rows As stated in documentation: "Often you  will write code that programmatically iterates through the results of a view object. A typical situation will be custom validation code that must process multiple rows of query results to determine whether an attribute or an entity is valid or not. In these cases, if you intend to read each row in the row set a single time and never require scrolling backward or re-iterating the row set a subsequent time, then you can use "forward only" mode to avoid caching the retr...

Accessing ViewObjectImpl sample methods trough Groovy

Hi! Here are two ViewObjectImpl sample methods, one using direct Where Clause modification and another one using ViewCriteriaRow API: Class private static ADFLogger LOGGER = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(JobsVOImpl.class); private String minimumSalaryWhereClause = "MIN_SALARY IN (SELECT MIN(MIN_SALARY)\n" + " FROM HR.JOBS)\n" + " AND ROWNUM = 1"; private String minimumSalaryWhereClauseVC = "SELECT MIN(MIN_SALARY)\n" + " FROM HR.JOBS\n";     public String getJobWithMinimumSalary() {         setWhereClause(minimumSalaryWhereClause);         LOGGER.warning("WHERE clause -> " + this.getWhereClause());         executeQuery();         String jobId = "...

Weird Weblogic deployment exception

Hi everyone! Just a note for myself, today I faced a weird exception while trying to start a Managed Server from our Weblogic Cluster. The server crashed due to an exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: allocLargeObjectOrArray: [Ljava/lang/Object;, size 16400 I don't know exactly what hapenned, especially because the time that exception ocurred we had almost no users online. After trying to start the Managed Server I was facing this error: Exception occured while downloading files And then: Caused By: [DeploymentService:290066]Error occurred while downloading files from admin server for deployment request "0". Underlying error is: "null" After some Googling I found a blog post that helped me a lot: One special note to " and the Admin is unable to redeploy the file ".   After reading that I star...

The deferred EL expression is not allowed since deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral is false

This error usually happens when you forgot to declare the Tag Libraries in your Web project inside JDeveloper, just import the library (trough JSP Tag Libraries inside your IDE, I'm using JDeveloper here but I think that all of then uses the same concept) that references the attribute TAG and everything should compile.

JDeveloper Data Control palette is missing

In day-to-day use JDeveloper always make some weird things by itself... Here I'am showing how to solve the most common one, the Data Control Palette got hidden somewhere in the darkness... Screen showing the Palette: Altough I was not able to reproduce the problem I know how to solve it, you just have to go to Window Menu and click "Reset Windows to Factory Settings", that'll fix some lost tag in one of JDeveloper configuration XML's.

404 Error while running a Bounded Task Flow inside Dialog

Morning! When running a task-flow as a dialog do not forget to add those attributes to the button that calls the btf: useWindow="true" windowHeight="400" windowWidth="500" Without this you'll probably run into a 404 error, here is part of the exception (pt-BR message): <XmlHttpServletResponse> <_logException> javax.servlet.ServletException: ADF_FACES-60101:Código de Status de Erro de HTTP: 404."